Kongero does workshops for small or large groups of singers, so far from 4 to 120 people. From 1,5 hours up to week-long camps and courses. We do master classes with choirs and vocal groups as well as open workshops for all singers curious about Swedish Folk'appella. We also teach arranging music for choirs and vocal ensembles on basic-advanced levels. We teach songs and tunes in 2- to 5-part harmony – all by ear. We work and experiment with genre specific sounds, grooves, articulation, improvisation, and ornaments.
The participants will get tips and feed-back on vocal technique, intonation, tools for improving their singing together, basic arranging ideas, and we always have a lovely and fun time singing. The four Kongero singers are all skilled and experienced workshop leaders. Two of us hold university degrees in vocal technique and are educated vocal teachers. We have released two Song Books with the songs and arrangements we teach.